Uji is the origin of matcha, a place where only quality tea is produced. The daily temperature difference of Uji can be as high as 20 degrees which contributes to the premium quality of Uji tea. The Premium Uji Organic Matcha Light of Jade is produced by hundred-year-old tea farm that has won Japan matcha awards.
This Premium Uji Organic Matcha Light of Jade is made of Samidori (Early Green). This organic matcha is JAS Organic Certified, made from only hand-picked first flush tea, which is rare in Japan.
The sparkling green of this matcha resembles the budding sprouts of Spring: a taste of freshness in a cup, as if the light of jade.
It is cultivated by own unique tea cultivation and processing techniques that have won the top prize in Japan. Using those techniques, this Uji variety Samidori is grown in dedicated organic tea gardens, pick it by hand, finish it in our factory, and grind it in a stone mill.
Clear Mellow Elegant Scent Gentle Umami
JAS Organic Certified
Variety: Samiidori
100% Hand-picked first flush tea
Origin: Uji, Kyoto, Japan
Net Weight: 20g
<Why is it difficult to grow premium organic matcha?>
We must admit that a transformation to an organic tea farm is a challenging task for us. This is because, unlike the vast majority of tea farms that use machine cropping and the semicylindrical shaping of their tea plants, our method is rather traditional as we cut back our tea plants to knee-height soon after we hand pick the spring leaves, and then let them grow naturally until the next picking season. ('Shizen jitate' - natural growing style.) This requires the highly intensive care and management of our tea plants and farm throughout the year.
Historically, certain organic fertilisers have been used among tea producers in Uji. Tea farmers have been using natural fertilizer such as fish bone meal or biproducts obtained during vegetable oil extraction. It is very important for us, as a tea producer, to make tea according to the guidelines set by the 有機JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standards for Organic). However, these guidelines do not recognize some of the organic fertilizers we have used so far as approved substances. Therefore, it is a challenge for tea farmers to maintain tea production at the level we have in the past, while utilizing organic fertilizers that follow these guidelines.
After several years of testing the new approach, tea farmers are convinced to turn the farms into organic ones. There, the tea trees grow healthily and with certain insects such as ladybirds and spiders that remove various pests.
An approach that incorporates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is becoming more important to people around the world in the way they lead their lives. We value such an approach and believe that the techniques to maintain and grow tea plants and the production process are sustainable.
For example, when the 'Honzu cultivation' method is used, the rice straw is laid on the ground after it is no longer required as a shade. Then they are eventually broken down by microorganisms into nutrients that are returned to the soil.
Branches and leaves cut off after tea picking also enrich the soil, and by-products such as oil cake and fish manure are used as fertilizers. And because matcha is a tea leaf itself, it does not leave tea leaves after drinking.
Above all, the cultivation method tea farmers' ancestors developed in the 16th century and have passed on through the generations is a very sustainable way to produce our teas and the process is valued and matched with the requirement of SDGs scheme.
For many centuries tea farmers have lived in this farmland, with inherited knowledge and techniques, and dedication and passion, from past to present, and from present to the future, they will continue to produce the best possible tea for those to whom it brings joy, and our efforts continue…
上林茶舍精挑細選的宇治有機上抹茶 瑤光,來自百年受賞茶園,採自被譽為宇治茶發源地的宇治五庄。宇治有機上抹茶 瑤光以早緑抹茶製成,口感柔滑,幽雅的香氣配以柔和的鮮甜。瑤光的翠綠茶色仿如早春的新嫩樹芽, 吐露新鮮的氣息,散發出如清翠欲滴的翡翠之光,故名「瑤光」。
茶農以自己獨特的茶樹栽培和加工技術培育而成。 使用這些技術,這種宇治品種早綠在專門的有機茶園中種植,手工採摘,指定的工廠完成,然後在石磨中研磨。
JAS 有機
品種: 早緑(さみどり)
100% 手摘初茶
產地: 日本京都宇治
在茶樹以自然形態生長的茶園中進行有機栽培是非常困難的,不能夠以傳統機器收成茶葉。 然而,我們想讓大家都品嚐到手工採摘抹茶的美味,所以我們為大家引入這款有機上抹茶。
從過去到今日,從今日到未來。 一直以來是如此,從今往後也是如此。
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