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Sencha 06 Snow Melt is premium sencha produced in the renowed Uji, Kyoto area, where sencha is produced using the most traditional method. This sencha has the classic characteristic of Uji tea: subtle and layered fragrance, and sometimes with a mild hint of flowers. Brewing this tea has to pay more attention to water temperature so that the fragrance of Uji tea can be fully unleashed. A sip of well-brewed Sencha 06 is like a piece of snowflake metling on your snow, touching from your skin to your inside. The color of this tea is also an elegant transparent green. 


Origin: Uji, Kyoto, Japan



煎茶06 吹雪 是一款在日本茶最高級產地京都宇治出產的極上煎茶,以傳統的宇治茶工藝製成。這款茶有著傳統宇治茶的特點:輕柔及具層次的幽香,有時甚至帶花香。呻一口煎茶06,仿如一片雪花輕輕飄落,在你手中融化,身心感到一股涼意感動,故命「吹雪」。這款茶的茶湯呈高雅的琉璃青色。



Uji Sencha Snow Melt。宇治上煎茶 吹雪

SKU: S06
日本江東堂手製茶罐Japan Handmade Tea Can

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