This tea is one of the best Japanese gyokuro which is made of tea buds shaded by straws thirty days before harvest. Impressively umami and refreshing as if ocean with some subtle nutty aroma, it has a very clear green color and thick mouthfeel.
Origin: Yame, Kyushu, Japan
九州八女傳統本玉露 鳳翔 為日本玉露的極品,摘取新芽前三十天以稻草覆蓋,鮮甜豐富,帶有如海洋的清新味道和果仁的幽香。茶湯清澈,帶有厚度,如瓊漿玉液覆蓋口腔和舌頭,沁人心脾。
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