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Roasted and fermented with traditional methods, tea masters have to refine this tea with longan tree charcoal to grill it for three days to bring out the signature Iron Buddha throat taste and its honey and caramel sweetness. This tea is made of authentic Iron Buddha cultivar to give you the cool Iron Buddha throat taste around the sides of the tongue and throat.


Awarded the renowned Super Taste Award, this tea has multiple aromas, especially the orchid and osmanthus notes signature to this special cultivar. Its orange amber color gives you a warming wake-up, resembling the moonlight on a snowing winter night.


Origin: Longmei, Alishan, Taiwan

Altitude: 1200 meters

Notes: Longan, Woods, Roasted Nuts, Riped Fruit



上林茶舍精選的正欉阿里山鐵觀音 雪月遵從以重發酵、重烘焙的傳統繁複製茶工藝,以龍眼木炭火烘焙三日才能製成毛茶,並由烘茶師的再精製過程帶出其熟果蜜香滋味,成就獨特的「觀音韻」,入口厚重,入喉則如蜜回甘,層次豐富。


正欉阿里山鐵觀音 雪月鐵觀音的獨特之處來自於天然馥郁的花果香及烘焙而產生的焦糖甜香調,茶香濃郁而持久,獨特的觀音韻在舌頭兩邊縈繞不散,帶來甘甜清涼的感覺,可謂「七泡有餘香」之美譽。




全球知名的 「風味絕佳獎章」(Super Taste Award) 認證的烘焙正欉阿里山鐵觀音,從眾多茶葉中脫穎而出,成為上林茶舍的不二首選。相較於一般鐵觀音,只有用觀音種的茶菁,以特有的製程製作出來的茶葉才能稱為「正欉鐵觀音」,因而珍貴。琥珀金黃色的茶湯,除了深邃的焙香,更充斥著專屬於正欉鐵觀音的蘭花與桂花香。





烘焙正欉阿里山鐵觀音 雪月 Alishan Iron Buddha Oolong Snow Moon

日本江東堂手製茶罐Japan Handmade Tea Can

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