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Yame Premium Gyokuro Snow Sprout is produced by awarded tea farm , this premium gyokuro is one of the best in Japan.


Thirty days before harvest, this gyokuro is shaded by grass above the tea trees and on the soil to bring out the natural umami nutrients and aroma. Made of spring flush tea which accumulates a lot of nutrients through the long winter snow, this premium gyokuro is extremely sweet, umami, and fresh and hence the name "Snow Sprout". A sip of this tea brings you the feelings of the ocean, sea breeze, and subtle nutty aroma. 


Origin: Yame, Kyushu, Japan



八女傳統本玉露 雪芽,摘取新芽前三十天以人手用稻草覆蓋茶樹和泥土,令茶葉處於柔和的日光下,茶樹會天然分泌出豐富的鮮甜物質,並吸收來自稻草的營養和獨特的香氣,令這款八女傳統本玉露 雪芽極鮮味,帶有如海洋的清新味道和果仁的幽香。茶湯呈碧綠色,帶有厚度,如瓊漿玉液覆蓋口腔和舌頭,沁人心脾。


八女傳統本玉露 雪芽選用春天茶樹初芽,經過冬天的蘊藏,初春的茶葉鮮甜美,故名「雪芽」。



八女傳統極上本玉露 雪芽 Grand Cru Premium Yame Gyokuro Snow Sprout

日本江東堂手製茶罐Japan Handmade Tea Can

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