This tea is light-roasted which has a softer sweetness, signature roast warming aroma, and golden amber color. Lower caffeine and can improve digestion and clear palate. Suitable for most people.
Light-roast houjicha Amber is lower in caffeine, mild, enhances grease removal, which is suitable for most of the people and drinking after dinner and at night.
Origin: Shizuoka, Japan
晶瑩剔透的上焙茶 琥珀茶色呈黃金以淺焙煎的方法造成,帶出茶葉的甘甜韻味,芬芳濃郁,透著絲絲焙火暖香,久泡不苦澀。輕淺烘焙使口感較清雅柔美,口頰留香、回味再三。
上焙茶 琥珀咖啡因較低、溫和,有助去油膩,適合大部人飯後或晚上飲用。
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日本江東堂手製茶罐Japan Handmade Tea Can