Kagoshima is one of the most famous sencha growing areas in Japan. Its ample sunlight, warm climate, volcanic soil, and mountainous landscape are prone to the healthy growth of tea trees. This tea is very balanced in terms of aroma, sweetness, and astringent flavours, mild and suit most people.
Origin: Kagoshima, Japan
來自日本另一著名煎茶產地:南部鹿兒島的煎茶。鹿兒島群山環抱、氣候溫暖、日照充足,火山土壤滋養這裏的茶樹,令茶葉成長健康優良。鹿兒島煎茶 晴空香味出色,回甘與甜味平衡,性質較溫和,適合大部分體質飲用。
鹿兒島上煎茶 晴空Kagoshima Sencha Sunny Sky
日本江東堂手製茶罐Japan Handmade Tea Can