江東堂高橋製作所創立於於 1910 年,純手工打造茶罐的技術已有長達111年的歷史。為減少對環境的負擔,除了茶罐本身可回收,外層的手工塗漆更是採用無鉛食品級塗料。不透光的鋼罐、可防止異味轉移跟氧化的同時還可以阻隔水分。使其成為長期保存茶葉、香料或意大利面等的最佳選擇。
產地: 日本東京台東區
Founded in 1910, Kotodo Takahashi Corporation has been producing hand-made tea tin canisters for 111 years. The 100% recyclable canister is lacquer-coated by hand using lead-free food-grade paints. The steel cans are impervious to light, resist the transfer of odors, block moisture and prevent oxidation. Hence, making it ideal for the long-term storage of goods such as teas, spices, and pasta.
Green Ginkgo Tea editions of tea canisters offer two limited colors: glossy laquer red and matt rustic black, simply elegant.
Origin: Taito City, Tokyo, Japan
Handmade in Japan
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