萬古焼是三重縣四日市的代表性地方產業,自 1979 年 1 月 12 日(昭和 54 年)起被經濟產業大臣指定為傳統工藝。 紫泥製成的茶壺和陶壺以其耐熱性著稱,尤其是陶壺約佔國內市場的80%。
Mango Yaki is a representative local industry in Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture, and has been designated as a traditional craft by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry since January 12, 1979 (Showa 54). Teapots and clay pots made of purple clay are known for their heat resistance, and clay pots in particular account for about 80% of the domestic market.
Made in Japan
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