Uji is the origin of matcha, a place where only quality tea is produced. This Light of Uji matcha is made with the unique tea cultivar Ujihikari (Light of Uji), and produced by tea farm awarded with Japan matcha awards. The Ujihikari cultivar has unique wavy tea leaves and hence more difficult to be harvested and nurtured. To maintain the highest quality, tea farmers hand-pick first flush tea leaves to produce this competition-grade matcha.
The Light of Uji has long-lasting sweetness with subtle notes of milk and nuts, as elegant as the traditional Kyoto culture.
Classy Creamy Sweet and Fresh Umami like Asparagus
Origin: Uji, Kyoto, Japan
Net Weight: 20g
宇治光抹茶,顧名思義就是代表宇治的品種 - 「宇治之光」。其中上林茶舍精挑細選的受賞宇治之光抹茶 紫宸,來自百年受賞茶園,採自被譽為宇治茶發源地的宇治五庄,波浪形的茶葉是宇治光的特徵,除此之外,由於葉子的間隔較小,增加了實際採摘的難度,是需要精心培育的品種。然而為了維持優良的品質,茶農堅持使用100%手工採摘的方式,進而製作成比賽級別的抹茶粉。有別於大眾對於抹茶的想像,宇治光抹茶既不苦澀,還帶有甘甜的深韻和獨特的優雅奶味。
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日本江東堂手製茶罐Japan Handmade Tea Can