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Rakuyaki is the symbolic matcha bowl from Momo-Yama Period following the tea philosophy of  Tea Master Sen No Rikyu.

Red rakuyaki is produced with relatively lower temperature (800-900C) and applied glaze multiple times which require sophisticated craftsmanship. Red and black are the most colors rakuyaki bowls.


Rakuyaki bowls look rustic but is actually carefully crafted with hand and shaped by knives which give the symbolic organic form reflecting the aesthetics of tea philosiophy.


Most of the Japanese matcha bowls required a period of time to let the pores on the ceramics to be filled by tea. At the very beginning of use, there may be mild leakage phenomenon which would disappear after prolonged use.


Dimensions (cm): 13.4  X 5.2

Origin: Kyoto, Japan


樂燒(らくやき)是桃山時代代表性茶碗,為樂家初代名匠長次郎繼承千利休(1522 – 1591)於天正年間所倡議的茶道理念所燒製。


無論赤樂還是黑樂,都在素燒(胎土成形後不上釉而直接入窯燒製)後多次上釉,再入窯燒成(所謂“二次燒”),工藝過程非常複雜、講究。 樂燒雖似粗樸,實是精心製作之產物。 尤其是黑樂,兼有天目茶碗的釉色之雅與高麗茶碗的造型之柔,又與深綠的茶色在色調上極為協調,深受千利休喜愛,並迅速在茶人間普及。樂茶碗是一種徹底表現千利休美學思想的茶碗,融合中國的陶瓷技術,朝鮮的陶瓷設計,日本的精神文化,三合一於大成的終極茶碗。

樂茶碗根據釉色分為赤樂與黑樂兩種常見,還有白樂、黃樂、紫樂、藍樂極其稀少。 赤樂施紅釉,是天正十四年前試燒成功的品種;黑樂施黑釉,黑中泛褐,富於變幻,給人以溫厚的感覺。 樂燒放棄了轆轤拉坯的製作方法,完全由手捏制,加以刀削成形,因而器形都不完全規整,符合了茶道美學精神。




尺寸(cm) : 13.4 X 5.2



松樂作赤樂抹茶茶碗【手工製作 京燒】 Red Raku Matcha Bowl 【Handmade in Kyoto】


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